[Last updated 15/SEPTEMBER/2023]

管理人より : メンバーのページを更新いたしました. (NOVEMBER 2022)

【2024.7】国際学会(ISSCR 2024 Annual Meeting, July 10-13, Hamburg, Germany)で発表しました. Okitani M. et al., “Elucidation of cell behavior in the 3D primary culture of umbilical cord-derived human mesenchymal stem cells”. Iwakami M. et al., “Development of a 3D suspension culture system for mesenchymal stem cell with Cellhesion-MS”. Tan SY. et al., “Development of in vitro culture platform to investigate the extracellular matrix remodeling potential of human mesenchymal stem cells”. Kim MH. et al., “Stable and efficient generation of functional iPSC-derived neural progenitor cell rosettes through botulinum hemagglutinin-mediated regulation of cell behavior”. Poster presentation.
【2024.5】国際学会(ISCT 2024 Annual Meeting, May 29-June 1, Vancouver, Canada)で発表しました. Kino-oka M., “Proposal of advanced QbD approach and method to determine the criticality of process parameter in MSC manufacturing”. Liao Y., et al., “Investigate the stability of seeding process of mesenchymal stem cell on microcarriers by considering heterogeneity”. Tanbara S., et al., “Robotic high-density seeding operation for contributing stability of neural ectoderm differentiation derived from human iPS cells”. Yamamoto R., et al., “Growth prolongation of human induced pluripotent stem cell aggregate in three-dimensional suspension culture system by addition of botulinum hemagglutinin”. Cui Y., et al., “Stabilized cardiomyocyte differentiation by improving the homogeneity and synchronization of epithelial- mesenchymal transition in cell aggregates”,Poster presentaion.
山本陸先生 (ボツリヌス菌由来ヘマグルニチンの添加による三次元懸濁培養におけるヒト人工多能性幹細胞の増殖の長期化) が The Treefrog Therapeutics Young Investigators Travel Grant (基礎部門) に選ばれました.
小川祐樹先生 (細胞製造におけるQuality by designに資する工程動作解析),
宇野友貴先生 (大規模な分注凍結工程を見据えたCEPTの応用可能性),
渡部菜美子さん (液体窒素保管中サンプルの容器間移送を伴う温度変化),
奥田愛理さん (高密度コラ-ゲン塗布面を用いたヒト間葉系幹細胞の培養における外小生産能検討) が第23回日本再生医療学会総会 優秀演題賞に選ばれました.
【2024.2】国際学会 (Advancing Manufacture of Cell and Gene Therapies [ - An ECI Conference Series, Feb 4-8, Coronado, CA, USA) で発表しました. Cahyo R.D. et al., "Comparison of growth activity of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in normoxic and hypoxic culture conditions through continuous passage ", Poster presentation. Yamamoto R. et al., "Development of mass culture process for human induced pluripotent stem cells in suspension “, “Investigate the stability of seeding process of mesenchymal stem cell on microcarriers by considering heterogeneity "Poster presentation. Okuda J. et al., " Effects of temperature fluctuations on cryopreserved human induced pluripotent stem cells Post-thaw viability and cryo-Raman observation ", Oral presentation. Kino-oka M. et al.," Cell placement in culture vessel after seeding is CPP in induction culture of retina pigment epithelial cells derived from iPSC ", Invited oral presentation.

【2023.12】論文がFront. Bioeng. Biotechnol.誌に受理されました
Mee-Hae Kim et al., Stable and efficient generation of functional iPSC-derived neural progenitor cell rosettes through regulation of collective cell-cell behavior.
【2023.12】論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng. 誌に受理されました
Riku Yamamoto et al., Growth prolongation of human induced pluripotent stem cell aggregate in three-dimensional suspension culture system by addition of botulinum hemagglutinin.
【2023.11】国際学会 (The 36th Annual and International Meeing of the Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT2023), Nov 28-Dec 1, Nagoya) で発表しました. Fukuda M et al., "Evaluation of angiogenic potency of human mesenchymal stem cell using 5-layer skeletal muscle cell sheet", Oral presentation. Awitan GE. et al., "Development of a suspension culture system for MSCs on a fluffy scatffold", Oral presentation. Kim MH. et al., "E-cadherin mediated regulation of iPSC fates toward functional hepatocytes using botulinum hemagglutinin", Oral presentation. Okitani M et al.,"Elucidation of a 3D primary culture system of human mesenchymal stem cells", Oral prsentation. OkitaniさんがJAACT2023AWARD Outstanding Oral Presentation Awardに選ばれました.
【2023.11】論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng. 誌に受理されました.
Mee-Hae Kim et al., A simple tool for the synchronous differentiation of human induced pluriopotent stem cells into pancreaic progenitors.

【2023.10】国際学会 (2023 TERMIS-AP CONFERENCE, Oct26-19, Hong Kong) で発表しました. Kim MH., "Develoment of culture strategies to improve differentiation stabilization of induced pluripotent stem cell", Keynote. ANG KT. et al., "Maintenance of proliferative capacity of human mesenchymal stem cells by methyglyoxal ", Poster presentation. IMAI A. et al., "Development of a kinetic model for individual cell potency inculture of human mesenchymal stem cells", Poster presentation..
【2023.10】論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng. 誌に受理されました.
Junya Kamioka et al. Agent-based approach for elucidating the release from collective arrest of cell motion in corneal epithelial cell.
【2023.9】化学工学会第54回秋季大会において、Schoiz Benediktさん, 林勇佑先生, Gaddem Mohamed Rami先生, 東侑香さん, 宇野友貴先生, 紀ノ岡正博先生, 杉山弘和先生 (CFD-based modeling of a continuous forced convection-based freezer unit forpluripotent stem cells considering suprcooling) が化学工学会システム・情報・シミュレーション部会(SIS)部会技術賞に選ばれました.
【2023.9】第76回日本生物工学大会において,成瀬 陸さん(治療用細胞製品の製造における塑性流体を用いた分注工程の設計)が学生最優秀発表賞に選ばれました.
【2023.8】論文がActa Mater. 誌に受理されました.
Mee-Hae Kim et al., An in vitro culture platform to study the extracellular matrix remodeling potential of human mesenchymal stem cells.
【2023.3】論文がJ. Biol. Eng. 誌に受理されました.
Mee-Hae Kim et al., An in vitro culture platform for studying the effect of collective cell migration on spatial self-organization within induced pluripotent stem cell colonies.
【2023.1】論文がComput. Chem. Eng. に受理されました.
Benedikt X. Scholz et al., A CFD model-based design of seeding processes for two-dimensional mesenchymal stem cell cultivation.
Isuru A. Udugma et al., The role of process systems engineering in applying quality by design (QbD) in mesenchymal stem cell production.
【2022.12】2022 TERMIS-AP Virtual Student Paper Contestにおいて,Tan Shao Yingさん (Evaluation of extracellular matrix remodeling capability of human stem cells using high density collagen-coated Culture Surface.) がSilver Awardに選ばれました.
【2022.11】論文が Biotecnol. bioeng. 誌に受理されました.
Mee-Hae Kim et al., Novel strategy to improve hepatocyte differentiation stability through synchronized behavior-driven mechanical memory of iPSCs.
【2022.11】論文が Bioengineering 誌に受理されました.
Naruchit Thanuthanakhun et al., Cell Behavioral Dynamics as a Cue in Optimizing Culture Stabilization in Bioprocessing of Pluripotent Stem Cells
【2022.10】日本生物工学会 創立100周年記念 第74回大会において, 紀ノ岡 正博先生, 山本 陸先生 (Design of suspension culture system with bubble sparging for human induced pluripotent stem cells in plastic fluid) が第30回生物工学論文賞に選ばれました.
【2022.10】論文が Bioengineering 誌に受理されました.
Takaki Matsumoto et al., Effect of Rho-associated kinase inhibitor on growth behaviors of human induced pluripotent stem cells in suspension culture
【2022.6】論文がBiochem. Eng. J. 誌に受理されました.
Adithya Nair et al., Development of instability analysis for the filling process of human-Induced pluripotent stem cell products.

【2022.4】論文がInd. Eng. Chem. Res. 誌に受理されました.
Keita Hirono et al., A dynamic and probabilistic design space determination method for mesenchymal stem cell cultivation processes.

【2021.10】論文がComput. Chem. Eng. 誌に受理されました.
Yusuke Hayashi et al., Hybrid-Model-Based Design of Fill-Freeze-Thaw Processes for Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Considering Productivity and Quality.

【2021.9】論文がStem Cell Res. 誌に受理されました.
Mee-Hae Kim et al., Effect of initial seeding density on behavioral epigenetic memory contributing to pluripotent state of iPS cells.
【2021.8】論文がBiotechnol. Bioeng. 誌に受理されました.
Mee-Hae Kim et al., Mechanobiological conceptual framework for assessing stem cell bioprocess effectiveness.
【2021.6】論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng. 誌に受理されました.
Mee-Hae Kim et al., Novel approach to enhance aggregate migration-driven epigenetic memory which induces cardiomyogenic differentiation on a denrimer-immobilized surface.
【2021.2】論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng. 誌に受理されました.Parichut Thummarati et al., Exogenous FGF-2 prolongs endothelial connection in multilayered human skeletal muscle cell sheet.
【2021.1】論文がJ. Chem. Eng. Japan. 誌に受理されました.Liya Wang et al., Numerical Optimization of Particle Dispersion in Wave Bioreactor for Static Cell Cultivation.

【2020.12】国際シンポジウム(12th Stem Cell Society Singapore Symposium 2020, Dec 9-11, Virtual/Online Symposium)で発表しました
Kino-oka M. et al., "Development of human resources of operators in JSRM and current topics for cell manufacturing", Invited keynote lecture.
Cui Y. et al., "Process design for scaling up in hiPSC expansion culture using close system", Fire talks.
Thanuthanakhun N. et al., "Influence of 3D aggregate culture on epigenetic memory and pluripotent state in human induced pluripotent stem cells", Oral presentation.
Nair A. et al., "Development of instability analysis based on critical quality attributes for filling process of human induced pluropotent stem cells", Oral presentation.

【2020.11】学術交流セミナー (The 22nd Academic Exchange Seminar between Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) and Osaka University Nov 27, Online)で発表しました.
Matsumoto T. et al., "Effect of ROCK inhibitor on cell growth and coalescene of human induced pluripotent stem cells in suspension culture", Oral presentation.
【2020.11】国際学会 (The 33rd Annual and International Meeting of the Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT2020), Nove 17-20, Virtual meeting)で発表しました.
Matsumoto T. et al., "Effect of ROCK inhibitor on cell growth and coalescene of human induced pluripotent stem cells in suspension culture", Oral presentation.
Kamioka J. et al., "Analysis of relationship between fluid-like behavior and cell-cell adhesion in corneal epithelial cell sheet by using kinetic model", Oral presentation.
Kuroda M., "A human induced pluripotent stem cell-based model to study early endoderm development", Oral presentation.

2020.11】論文がJournal of Cellular Physiology 誌に受理されました.Naruchit Thanuthanakhun et al.
The Impact of Culture Dimensionality on Behavioral Epigentic Memory Contributing to Pluripotent State of iPS Cells.

2020.10】論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng. 誌に受理されました.Thi Nhu Trang Nguyen et al. Development of a Kinetic Model Expressing Anomalous Phenomena in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Culture.
2020.10】論文がJ. Comput. Chem. Eng. 誌に受理されました.Yusuke Hayashi et al. Model-Based Assessment of Temperature Profiles in Slow Freezing for Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.

2020.9】論文がFront. Bioeng. Biotechnol. .誌に受理されました.Parichut Thummarati et al. Effect of Co-culturing Fibroblasts in Human Skeletal Muscle Cell Sheet on Angiogenic Cytokine Balance and Angiogenesis.
2020.8】論文がJ. Tissue Eng. Regen. Med.誌に受理されました.Hirokazu Sugiyama et al. Apoptosi-Based Method for Determining Lot Sizes in the Filling of Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.




2020.2】論文がSci. Rep誌に受理されました.Koichi Baba et al. Cell Jamming, Stratification and p63 Expression in Cultivated Human Corneal Epithelial Cell Sheets.


2020.2】論文がActa Biomater.誌に受理されました. Fitria Dwi Ayuningtyas et al. Muscle Lineage Switching by Migratory Behaviour-Driven Epigenetic Modifications of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells on a Dendrimer-Immobilized Surface.


2020.1】紀ノ岡先生の日本生物工学会功績賞の内容が掲載されました.再生医療に資する細胞製造性に関する研究 (生物工学会誌98巻1号掲載) https://www.sbj.or.jp/wp-content/uploads/file/sbj/9801/9801_koseki.pdf


2020.1】論文がBiotechnol. J.誌に受理されました.Mee-Hae Kim et al. Bioengineering Considerations for a Nurturing Way to Enchance Scalable Expansion of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells.


2019.12】論文がBiochem. Eng. J.誌に受理されました.Masashi Kagihiro et al. Suppression of Time-Dependent Decay by Controlling the Redox Balance of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Suspended in a Cryopreservation Solution.

2019.11】論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng.誌に受理されました Mee-Hae Kim et al. Designing a Blueprint for Next-Generation Stem Cell Bioprocesing Development.


2019.11】論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng.誌に受理されました. Akihiro Hashida et al. Kinetics on aggregate behaviors of human induced pluripotent stem cells in static suspension and rotating flow cultures.


2019.10】論文がComputers and Chemical Engineering誌に受理されました.Yusuke Hayashi et al. Slow freezing process design for human induced pluripotent stem cells by modeling intracontainer variation.


2019.10】論文がStem Cells and Development誌に受理されました. Chaiyong Koaykul et al.

Maintenance of neurogenic differentiation potential in passaged bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cells under simulated microgravity conditions.






2019.6】論文がStem Cells and Development誌に受理されました. Chaiyong Koaykul et al.

Alterations in nuclear lamina and the cytoskeleton of bone marrow-derived human mesenchymal stem cells cultured under simulated microgravity conditions.


2019.4】論文がRegenerative Therapy誌に受理されました. Manabu Mizutani et al.

Variation in the manufacturing reproducibility of autologous cell-based products depending on raw material shipment conditions.


2019.4】論文がRegenerative Therapy誌に受理されました. Hirokazu Suigyama et al.

A distribution-based approach for determining lot Sizes in the filling of human-induced pluripotent stem cells.


2019.4】論文がRegenerative Therapy誌に受理されました. Vytautas Galvanauskas et al. Kinetic modeling of human induced pluripotent stem cell expansion in suspension culture.


2019.4】論文がRegenerative Therapy誌に受理されました. Yuuki Ogawa et al. Understanding the formation and behaviors of droplets toward consideration of changeover during cell manufacturing.


2019.4】論文がRegenerative Therapy誌に受理されました. Atsushi Sekimoto et al. Numerical investigation of particle dispersion in the preprocessing stage for a static cell cultivation.


2019.3】論文がRegenerative Therapy誌に受理されました.Yuma Kato et al. Effect of liquid flow by pipetting during medium change on deformation of hiPSC aggregates.


2019.1】国際学会(Advancing Manufacture of Cell and Gene Therapies VI - An ECI Conference Series, Jan 27-31, Coronado, CA, USA)で発表しました. Kino-oka M., Automated manufacturing for iPSC-derived retinal pigment epithelial cells, Invited poster presentation.


2019.1】橋田 礼博さん(回転浮遊培養におけるヒトiPS細胞集塊挙動の速度的解釈の研究)が日本生物工学会関西支部 学生最優秀賞に選ばれました.


2018.11】論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng.誌に受理されました. Eri Shuzui et al. Maintenance of an undifferentiated state of human-induced pluripotent stem cells through botulinum hemagglutinin-mediated regulation of cell behavior.


2018.11】国際学会(The 3rd National Festival and the International Congress on Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, Nov 28-Dec 1, Tehran, Iran)で発表しました. Kino-oka M., “‘Kotozukurifor regenerative medicine Social development of regenerative medicinal technology, Invited oral presentation. Kino-oka M., Flexible modular platform for cell manufacturing, Invited oral presentation.


2018.11】国際学会(The 30th Annual Meeting of the Thai Society for Biotechnology and International Conference (TSB2018), Nov 22-23, Bangkok, Thailand)で発表しました. Kino-oka M., A novel strategy for simple expansion of human pluripotent stem cells, Invited oral presentation. Kino-oka M., Importance of cell manufacturability for stem cell production, Invited oral presentation.


2018.10】論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng.誌に受理されました.Thi Nhu Trang Nguyen et al. Elucidation of human induced pluripotent stem cell behaviors in colonies based on a kinetic model.


2018.10】論文がRegenerative Therapy誌に受理されました.Jessica Chang et al. Effect of migratory behaviors on human induced pluripotent stem cell colony formation on different extracellular matrix proteins.


2018.9】論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng.誌に受理されました.Kim MH. et al. Role of cell-secreted extracellular matrix formation in aggregate formation and stability of human induced pluripotent stem cells in suspension culture.


2018.9日本生物工学会2018年度大会H30.09. 05において,Suman C. Nathさんが筆頭著者の論文(Size- and time-dependent growth properties of human induced pluripotent stem cells in the culture of single aggregate)が第70回日本生物工学会大会生物工学論文賞に選ばれました.


2018.9国際学会(5th TERMIS WORLD CONGRESS, 2018, Kyoto, Japan)で発表しました.Kino-oka M. et al., “Flexible modular platform for cell production based on cell manufacturability”, Symposium. Kim MH. et al., “Study of human mesenchymal stem cell behaviors on isotropic gravity”, Symposium. Hashida A. et al., “Elucidation of growth process of human induced pluripotent stem cell aggregates in floating culture condition”, Poster presentation. Fukumori K. et al., “Effect of hydrodynamics on cell quality in cryopreservation process of hiPSCs”, Poster presentation. Kim MH. et al., “Effect of isotropic gravity on cytoskeletal and nucleoskeletal structures of human mesenchymal stem cells”, Poster presentation. Mizutani M. et al., “Development of a novel modular system for cell production:an assessment for improvement of production efficiency by changing the operation method”, Poster presentation.


2018.8】論文がRegenerative Therapy誌に受理されました.Riri Chihara et al. Effects of Residual H2O2 on the Growth of MSCs after Decontamination,


2018.8】論文がRegenerative Therapy誌に受理されました.Tetsutaro Kikuchi et al. A Novel, Flexible and Automated Manufacturing Facility for Cell-Based Health Care Products: Tissue Factory.


2018.7】論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng.誌に受理されました.Eri Shuzui et al. Anomalous cell migration triggers a switch to deviation from the undifferentiated state in colonies of human induced pluripotent stems on feeder layers.


2018.7】国際シンポジウム(3rd Asian University Symposium for Biomedical Engineering (AUSBME 2018), Juy, 5-7, Seoul, Korea)で発表しました, Kino-oka M. et al., A Novel strategy for simple and robust expansion of human pluripotent stem cells using botulinum hemagglutinin, Invited keynote lecture.


2018.5】国際学会(ISCT 2018 Annual Meeting, May 2-5, Montreal, Canada)で発表しました. Ayuningtyas F.D., et al., Reorganization of the nuclear lamina and cytoskeleton of human mesenchymal stem cells on a dendrimer-immobilized surface, Poster presentation. Koaykul C., et al., Influence of isotropic gravity culture on cytoskeleton structure and formation of focal adhesions in human mesenchymal stem cells, Poster presentation. Kino-oka M., et al., Critical quality attributes in the filling process for iPSCs and MSCs by considering the kinetics of cell death and growth, Poster presentation. Mizutani M, et al., Development of a novel modular system for cell production: improvement of production efficiency in operation by flexible modular platform (FMP) Poster presentation. Thummarati P., et al., Effect of fibroblast population on VEGF secretion in human skeletal muscle myoblast sheet Poster presentation. Nguyen T., et al., Elucidation of human iPS cell behaviors in colonies based on kinetic model Poster presentation.


2018.2】国際学会(AsiaTIDES: Oligonucleotide & Peptide Therapeutics 2018, Feb 27-Mar 1, Kyoto)で発表しました, Kino-oka M., Cell manufacturing based on flexible Modular Platform, Invited oral presentation.


2018.1】論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng.誌に受理されました.Yuma Kato et al. Comparison of Growth Kinetics between Static and Dynamic Cultures of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.


2017.12】論文がBiotechnol. Bioeng.誌に受理されました.Suman Chandra Nath et al. Botulinum HemagglutininMediated in Situ Breakup of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Aggregates for HighDensity Suspension Culture.


2017.12】論文がBiotechnol. Prog.誌に受理されました.Retno Wahyu Nurhayati et al. Large-Scale Culture of a Megakaryocytic Progenitor Cell Line with a Single-Use Bioreactor System.


2017.11】国際シンポジウム(Stem Cell Society Singapore Symposium 2017, Nov, 16-17, Singapore)で発表しました, Kino-oka M., “Development of cell manufacturing system”, Invited speaker


2017.10】国際学会(The 8th meeting of Asian Cellular Therapy Organization (ACTO), Oct 27-29, Tokyo)で発表しました, Mizutani M. et al., Variation of the manufacturing reproducibility depends on transit time of collected blood in an autologous NK cells expansion, Poster presentation.


2017.10】国際学会(2017 The Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KSBB) Fall Meeting and International Symposium, Oct 11-13, Busan, Korea)で発表しました, Kim MH.et al., Development of bioprocessing strategies for stem cells based on Waddingtons epigenetic landscape, Invited oral presentation.


2017.10】論文がTrends. Biotechnol.誌に受理されました.Kim MH. et al. Bioprocessing strategies for pluripotent stem cells based on Waddingtons epigenetic landscape.


2017.10】論文がAIMS Bioengineering誌に受理されました.Kim MH. et al. Development of an automated chip culture system with integrated on-line monitoring for maturation culture of retinal pigment epithelial cells.


2017.10】論文がBiotechnol. J.誌に受理されました.Kim MH. et al. A simple and robust method for culturing human induced pluripotent stem cells in an undifferentiated state using botulinum hemagglutinin.


2017.9】国際学会(The 2017 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society-Asia Pacific Meeting (2017 TERMIS-AP), Sep, 21-24, Nantong, China)で発表しました, Kino-oka M., 3D cell culture & tissue construction facility,Oral presentation




2017.8】国際学会(The 15th International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM 2017), Aug 27-Sep 1, Kyoto)で発表しました, Kino-oka M. et al., Novel material for alteration of cell behavior in iPS culture, Invited oral presentation.


2017.6】国際学会(The Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS) European Chapter Meeting 2017, Jun 26-30, Davos, Switzerland)で発表しました. Kino-oka M., Cell manufacturability for retina epithelial pigment cells derived from hiPS cells, Poster presentation.  Yamamoto R., et al., Suspension culture of hiPSC aggregates under plastic fluid condition, Poster presentation. Kim MH. et al., Characterization of clonal colony formation process of human induced pluripotent stem cells based on kinetic analysis, Poster presentation. 


2017.6】論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng.誌に受理されました.Suman Chandra Nath et al. Size- and time-dependent growth properties of human induced pluripotent stem cells in the culture of single aggregate.


2017.6】論文がJ. Chem. Eng. Jpn誌に受理されました.Takuya Yamamoto et al. Numerical investigation for the movement of cell colonies in bioreactors: stirring and orbital shaking tanks.


2017.5】国際学会 (International Society for Cellular Therapy 2017 Annual Meeting (ISCT2017) May. 3 - 6, London, UK)で発表しました.Kino-oka M., “Manufacturing of IPS Cells Based on Flexible Modular Platform”, Poster presentation. Kino-oka M., “Cell Manufacturability and IPS Stability in Suspension”, Poster presentation. Mizutani M. et al., “Influence of the Storage Period after Collection of Raw Materials in the Autologous Cell-based Cancer Immunotherapy on the Growth Rates at the Manufacturing”, Poster presentation.


2017.4】論文がBiotechnol. Lett.誌に受理されました.Sopita Wongin et al. Chondrogenesis and hypertrophy in response to aggregate behaviors of human mesenchymal stem cells on a dendrimer-immobilized surface.


2017.3】論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng.誌に受理されました.Rie Sonoi et al. Phenotypic heterogeneity of human retinal pigment epithelial cells in passaged cell populations.


2017.1】論文がScientific Reports誌に受理されました.Mee-Hae Kim, et al. Botulinum Hemagglutinin-Mediated Selective Removal of Cells Deviating from the Undifferentiated State in hiPSC Colonies.


2017.1国際学会Scale-Up and Manufacturing of Cell-Based TherapiesX, Jan 15-19, San Diegoで発表しました.Kino-oka M. et al., “Comprehensive cell manufacturing system based on flexible modular platform”, Poster presentation. Suman N. et al., “High density culture of human induced pluripotent stem cells through the refinement of medium by dialysis in suspension”, Poster presentation. SumanさんがPre-Conference Poster Awardに選ばれました.


2016.12】国際学会 (The 2016 Biomedical Engineering International Conference (BMEiCON 2016), Dec 7-9, Laung Prabang, Laos) で発表しましたUmbhorn Ungkulpasvich. et al., “Effect of Suspension Time on Growth Potential in Cryopreservation Process of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells”, Oral presentation.


2016.12】論文がBiotechnol. Prog.誌に受理されました. Vytautas Galvanauskas et al. Current State and Perspectives in Modeling and Control of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Expansion Processes in Stirred-Tank Bioreactors.


2016.10】論文がR. Soc. Open Sci..誌に受理されました.Yuki Kagawa et al. An in silico prediction tool for the expansion culture of human skeletal muscle myoblast.


2016.9】論文がBioprocess and Biosystems Engineering.誌に受理されました.Suman Chandra Nath et al. Culture medium refreshment by dialysis for the expansion of human induced pluripotent stem cells in suspension culture.


2016.9】論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng.誌に受理されました.Menglu Li et al. Disruption of myoblast alignment by highly motile rhabdomyosarcoma cell in tissue structure.


2016.7】論文がRegenerative Therapy.誌に受理されました.Manabu Mizutani et al. Experience of contamination during autologous cell manufacturing in cell processing facility under the Japanese Medical Practitioners Act and the Medical Care Act.


2016.4】国際学会(2016 The Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KSBB) Spring Meeting and International Symposium, Apr. 20-22, Hwabaek)で講演しました.Mee-Hae KIM, “Development of culture strategies for stem cell maintenance and differentiation through regulation of cell behaviors”, Invited oral presentation.


2016.4】論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng.誌に受理されました.Yuuki Ogawa et al. Migration-driven aggregate behaviors of human mesenchymal stem cells on a dendrimer-immobilized surface direct differentiation toward a cardiomyogenic fate commitment.


2016.1】国際学会(Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering CMBE and Advanced Biomanufacturing AbioM Joint Conference Jan 610,New Orleans)で発表しました.Masahiro Kino-oka et al., “Novel Passage Method in Suspension Culture of hiPS Cells by using Botulinum Hemagglutinin Proteins”, Poster presentation.


2016.1】国際学会(Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering CMBE and Advanced Biomanufacturing AbioM Joint Conference Jan 610,New Orleans)で発表しました.Yuma Kato et al., “Comparison of Growth Behavior of hiPS Cells among Different Culture Methods”, Poster presentation.


2015.11】国際シンポジウム(World Engineering Conference and Convention (WECC2015), Nov. 29-Dec. 2, Kyoto)で講演しました.Masahiro Kino-oka et al., “Cell and tissue production for clinical application”, Oral session.




2015.10】国際学会(Frontier Biotechnology Workshop from Metabolites to Regenerative Cells, Oct. 9, Bangkok)で講演しました.Masahiro Kino-oka et al., ”Biochemical engineers’ contribution towards human cell manufacturing”, Invited oral presentation.


2015.9】専門家との直接意見交換シンポジウム in KRP Part [ 〜モノづくり技術から再生医療ビジネス参入のヒントを見つけよう〜 において,紀ノ岡正博先生が「細胞培養加工の重要性についてあらためて考える」を講演されました


2015.9】 国際学会(2015 4th TERMIS WORLD CONGRESS, Sep 8-11, Boston)で発表しました.Kino-oka M. et al., “Selective removal of cells deviated from the undifferentiated state in hiPSC colonies by using botulinum hemagglutinin proteins”, Poster presentation. Mizutani M. et al., “An aseptic processing assessment of autologous cell based manufacturing for immunotherapy: Experiences of a facility operating under medical practitioners act in Japan”, Poster presentation.


2015.6】 国際学会(International Society for Stem Cell Research 13th Annual Meeting (ISSCR), June 24-27, Stockholm)で発表しました.Kim MH. et al., Development of a novel method for removal of cells deviated from the undifferentiated state in colonies of hiPSCs using botulinum hemagglutinin, Poster presentation.


2015.5 論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng.誌に受理されました.Rie Sonoi et al. Facilitation of uniform maturation of human retinal pigment epithelial cells through collective movement in culture


2015.4 論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng.誌に受理されました.Yuuki Ogawa et al., Changes in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Behaviors on Dendrimer-Immobilized Surfaces due to Mediation of Fibronectin Adsorption and Assembly


2015.4 国際学会(Society For Biomaterials-2015 Annual Meeting, Apr 15-18, Charlotte, N.C., USA)で発表しました.Kino-oka M., Bio-Manufacturing for Cell Sheet and iPS Cells, Invited oral presentation.


2014.12 国際学会The Termis-Americas 2014 Annual Conference & Exposition, Dec 13-16, Washington, D.C.)で発表しました.Kitajima H. et al., Current State of the hiPS Cell Culture Apparatus and the Culture Cost., Poster presentation. Fusa S. et al., Kinetic Model for Expansion Culture of iPS Cells by Considering the Deviation from Undifferentiated State on Feeder Layers, Poster presentation. Ayuningtyas. F. D. et al., Culture Surface Design to Direct Commitment of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Myogenic Lineage, Poster presentation. Mizutani M. et al., Development of A Novel Modular System for Preparing Regenerative Medicine Products, Poster presentation.


2014.11 国際学会(The 27th Annual and International Meeting of the Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT2014), Nov 11-14, Kitakyushu)で発表しました.Trung X Ngo et al., "Kinetic Model for Expansion Culture of iPS Cells by Considering the Deviation from Undifferentiated State on Feeder Layers.", P-22, Poster presentation. Xie Y et al, "Analysis of local maturation associated with migration of retinal pigment epithelial cells in ring culture system", P-18, Poster presentation. S. C. Nath et al, “Refining of Culture Medium by Dialysis for the Expansion of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells”, P-3, Poster presentation. XieさんがBest Poster Awardに選ばれました.


2014.11】 国際学会(The 5th meeting of Asian Cellular Therapy Organization (ACTO), Nov. 10-12)で発表しました.Kino-oka M., “Cell production system based on flexible modular platform”, Invited oral presentation. Kitajima H. et al., “hiPSC culturing cost reduction effect by the cell culture apparatus introduction”, Poster presentation. Mizutani M. et al., “Trial productions of multi-layered myoblast sheets containing a primary and an expansion culture by an automation system for future clinical practice in regenerative medicine”, Poster presentation.


2014.11】 国際学会(7th World Congress of Preventive and Regenerative Medicine, Nov. 4-7)で発表しました.Kino-oka M., “Development of cell processing system based on flexible modular platform”, Invited oral presentation. Kim MH. et al., “Commitment of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Smooth Muscle Linage on a Dendrimer Surface during Serial Subcultures”, Oral presentation. Kim MH. et al., “Maintenance of an Undifferentiated State of Human iPSCs through Regulation of Migration”, Poster presentation.


2014.10】 論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng.誌に受理されました.Mee-Hae et al., Maintenance of an Undifferentiated State of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells through Migration-Dependent Regulation of the Balance between Cell-Cell and Cell-Substrate Interactions


2014.9】 国際学会(5th Malaysian Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Society Meeting (MTERMS 2014), September 17-19)で発表しました.Kino-oka M., Novel Processing System for Cell Production: A Challenge for Development of Flexible Modular Platform, Invited oral presentation.


2014.8】 国際学会(The 3rd International Symposium of Materials on Regenerative Medicine (ISOMRM), August 27-29)で発表しました.Kino-oka M., Maintenance of undifferentiated state of human induced pluripotent stem cells on a dendrimer-immobilized surface, Invited oral presentation.


2014.7】 国際学会(Basic Cardiovascular Sciences 2014 (BCVS), July 14-17)で発表しました.Kino-oka M., Facility Design and Automation for Cell Processing, Plenary Session.


2014.7】 国際学会(7th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB), July 6-11)で発表しました.Kino-oka M., Automated Cell Processing Based on Flexible Modular Platform, Podium Session.


2014.6】 国際学会(International Society for Stem Cell Research 12th Annual Meeting (ISSCR), June 18-21)で発表しました.Kim MH. et al., Controlling pluripotency and early cell fate decisions of human induced pluripotent stem cells on a dendrimer-immobilized surface, Poster presentation.


2014.6】 国際学会(TERMIS-EU Italy 2014, Jun 10-13, Genova)で発表しましたTrung X Ngo et al., Endothelial cell behavior inside myoblast sheets with different thickness, Poster presentation. Trung X Ngo et al., Understanding dynamic cell migration inside multilayered cell sheet using a kinetic model, Poster presentation. TrungさんがBest Poster Presentation Awardに選ばれました.


2014.6】 論文がJ. Biol. Eng.誌に受理されました.Mee-Hae Kim et al., Influence of Surface Topography on the Human Epithelial Cell Response to Micropatterned Substrates with Convex and Concave Architectures.


2014.5】 論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng.誌に受理されました.Rie Sonoi et al., Locational Heterogeneity of Maturation by Changes in Migratory Behaviors of Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells in Culture.


2014.5】 論文がInternational Journal of Tissue Regeneration誌に受理されました.Trung X Ngo et al., In vitro models for angiogenesis research: a review.


2014.5】 論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng.誌に受理されました.Mee-Hae Kim et al., Maintenance of undifferentiated state of human induced pluripotent stem cells through cytoskeleton-driven force acting to secreted fibronectin on a dendrimer-immobilized surface.


2014.3】 論文がBiomaterials誌に受理されました.Mee-Hae Kim et al., Switching between self-renewal and lineage commitment of human induced pluripotent stem cells via cell-substrate and cell-cell interactions on a dendrimer-immobilized surface.


2014.1】 国際学会(Scale-Up and Manufacturing of Cell-Based Therapies III, Jan 5-9, San Diego)で発表しました.Kino-oka M. et al., Cell Processing Facility with Automated Culture System Based on the Flexible Modular Platform, Invited oral presentation.


2014.1】 論文がBiotechnology and Bioengineering誌に受理されました.Mee-Hae Kim et al., Kinetic analysis of deviation from the undifferentiated state in colonies of human induced pluripotent stem cells on feeder layers.


2013.12】 先端繊維技術講演会 -「医療分野における機能性繊維材料の展開」- において紀ノ岡正博先生が「再生医療への展開を目指した培養技術と道具の重要性」を講演されました.


2013.12】 論文がBiochemical Engineering Journal誌に受理されました.Mee-Hae Kim et al., Directed differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells toward a cardiomyogenic fate commitment through formation of cell aggregates


2013.12】 論文がCurrent Nanoscience誌に受理されました.Eiji Nagamori, et al., Spatial Habitation of Heterogeneous Cell Population in a Multi-Layered Myoblast Sheet Due to the Differences in their Behaviors of Migration and Cell-Cell Connection.


2013.11】 国際学会(The Termis-Americas 2013 Annual Conference & Exposition, Atlanta)で発表しました.Horie M. et al., Growth in Single Aggregates of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells, Poster presentation. Kino-oka M. Automation System for Cell Processing Based on the Flexible Modular Platform, Podium presentation.


2013.11】 国際学会(8th CELLV BASED ASSAY & SCREENING TECHNOLOGIES, San Francisco)で発表しました.Li M. et al, Tumor Angiogenesis Model Using Cell Sheet Technology, Poster presentation.


2013.11】 国際学会(AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco)で発表しました.Kino-oka M. Development of Automated Cell Processing System for Clinical Application, Invited oral presentation.


2013.9】 専門家との直接意見交換シンポジウムin KRP Part VI 再生医療を「治療」と「研究(細胞,創薬)」に分けて考える −細胞とモノづくり技術との融合−において,紀ノ岡正博先生が「細胞加工に関するツール開発の現状」を講演されました.


2013.9】 第65回日本生物工学会年会(H25.09)において,寺西陽友さん(網膜色素上皮細胞の質的不均一な成熟機構に対する解析)が優秀学生発表賞(セルプロセッシング計測評価研究部会)に選ばれました.


2013.7】 GE Life Sciences Day 2013において,稲森雅和さん(タイトジャンクションを指標としたコンフルエント状態のヒト網膜色素上皮細胞の成熟度評価)がGE Life Sciences Day 2013 Poster Awardを受賞しました.


2013.7】 日本動物細胞工学会2013年度大会において,長森英二先生(ヒトiPS細胞の浮遊培養に向けた細胞塊の挙動解析)が優秀発表賞に選ばれました.また,日本動物細胞工学会平成24年度奨励賞を受賞しました.


2013.6】 国際学会(International Society for Stem Cell Research 11th Annual Meeting (ISSCR), Jun 12-15, Boston)で発表しました.Kim MH. et al, Coordination of cell-cell interactions and cell-substrate interactions by altering migration is required for regulating fate decision of human induced pluripotent stem cells, Poster presentation. Kim MH. et al, Characterization of derivation from undifferentiation in colonies of human induced pluripotent stem cells based on kinetic analysis, Poster presentation.


2013.5】 第51回機械工業見本市金沢(MEX金沢2013)において,紀ノ岡正博先生が「再生医療用途のための培養細胞・組織の製造」を講演されました.


2013.4】 日本医工学治療学会第29回学術大会において,紀ノ岡正博先生が「移植を前提とした細胞加工設備と自動化への取り組み」を講演されました.


2013.3】 再生医療の実用化・産業化に向けた標準化動向説明会において,紀ノ岡正博先生が「再生医療実用化の現状と取り組み」を講演されました.


2013.3】 バイオアセンブラ第4回シンポジウムにおいて,紀ノ岡正博先生が「培養屋からみた細胞挙動解析と細胞製造技術」を講演されました.


2013.2】 論文がBiotechnology letters誌に受理されました.Trung X Ngo, et al., Endothelial cell behavior inside myoblast sheets with different thickness.


2013.1】 国際学会(Scale-Up and Manufacturing of Cell-Based Therapies II, Jan 21-23, San Diego)で発表しました.Kino-oka M. et al, Flexible modular platform available for manufacturing of cell sheet, Invited oral presentation. Inamori et al, Chip bioreactor system for monitoring of mature process in long-term culture of retinal pigment epithelial cells, Poster presentation.


2013.1】 精密工学会 超精密加工専門委員会 第65回研究会『ナノバイオエンジニアリングが拓く次世代基盤技術』において,紀ノ岡正博先生が「ヒト細胞培養と細胞シートを用いた組織類似構造形成法」を講演されました.


2012.11 16回循環器再生医療研究会において,紀ノ岡正博先生が「細胞シートを臨床応用するための製造設備」を特別講演されました.


2012.11 国際学会(The 25th Annual and International Meeting of the Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT2012), Nov 27-30, Nagoya)で発表しました. Kino-oka M. et al, "Surface design for stem cell cultures to regulate the undifferentiated and differentiated states", S3-4, Invited speaker. Ngo TX. et al, "Network formation through active migration of human vascular endothelial cells in a multilayered skeletal myoblast sheet", P-74, Poster presentation. Nagamori E. et al., "Spatial habitation of umbilical vein endothelial or fibroblast cells in multi-layered myoblast cell sheet", P-75, Poster presentation. 長森先生が優秀ポスター賞に選ばれました.


2012.11 日本バイオマテリアル学会シンポジウム2012において,紀ノ岡正博先生が「幹細胞の未分化維持・分化誘導を目指 したデンドリマー培養面の開発」を発表しました.


2012.10】 「第64回日本生物工学会大会シンポジウム・幹細胞産業における培養工学の研究動向」において,紀ノ岡正博先生が「幹細胞の製 造と培養装置の役割」を講演されました.


2012.10】 論文がBiotechnology letters誌に受理されました. Masrina Mohd Nadzir, et al., Modulation of chondrocyte migration and aggregation by insulin-like growth factor-1 in cultured cartilage.


2012.10】 国際学会(The 3rd Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (TERMIS) world congress 2012, Sep 5-8, 2012, Vienna)で発表しました. Kino-oka M., "Development of a manufacturing system for cell sheet production", 64-06, Oral presentation.


2012.9】 第44回化学工学会秋季大会において,園井さん(コンフルエント状態における網膜色素上皮細胞の遊走性による細胞成熟度の解析)がバイオ部会優秀ポスター賞に選ばれました.


2012.8】 国際学会(The 2nd International Symposium of Materials on Regenerative Medicine (ISOMRM), Aug 29-31, 2012, Taipei medical University)で発表しました. Kino-oka M., "Surface Design for Maintenance of iPS cells", MRM-L-439, Invited Lecture. Kim MH., Kino-oka M., "Culture Surface Design for Regulating Morphology and Function of Stem Cells", MRM-G-429, Oral presentation, Ogawa Y., Yamada K., Kim MH., Taya M., Kino-oka M., "Induction of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation into Cardiomyogenic-like Direction based on Dynamic Cell Aggregate Behaviors", MRM-L-383, Poster presentation. 先生がYoung Investigator Award (YIA)を,小川 君がPoster Awardを受賞しました.


2012.8】 論文がBiomaterials誌に受理されました.Eiji Nagamori, et al., Network formation through active migration of human vascular endothelial cells in a multilayered skeletal myoblast sheet.


2012.8】 論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng誌に受理されました.Masahiro Kino-oka, et al., Preferential growth of skeletal myoblasts and fibroblasts in co-culture on a dendrimer-immobilized surface.


2012.6】 日本再生医療学会第11回大会(2012)において, パネルディスカッションで,紀ノ岡先生が「柔軟性ある細胞・組織製造システム」を講演されました. また, 金先生が, The Johnson & Johnson Global Career Awardを受賞されました.


2012.6】 国際学会(10th Annual meeting of he International Society for Stem Cell Research ISSCR 2012), June 13-16, 2012, Yokohama)で発表しました. Kim MH., Kino-oka M., “Coordination of cellcell adhesion and migration by the rho family gtpases is required for maintaining undifferentiated state of human iPS cells”, F-3201, Poster presentation. Kim MH., Masuda E., Kino-oka M., “Characterization of “de-undifferentiation” phenomenon in colony of human induced puripotent stem cells based on kinetic analysis of specific growth rate”, F-3202, Poster presentation.


2012.4】 論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng誌に受理されました, Masrina Mohd Nadzir, et al, Effect of Preservation Conditions of Collagen Substrate on Its Fibril Formation and Rabbit Chondrocyte Morphology.


2012.3】 国際学会で発表しました. Kino-oka. M, “Manufacturing of cells and tissues based on flexible Modular Platform”. Native and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Standardization 3rd Disputationes, Firenze, Italy, Mar 19, 2011, Oral presentation.


2012.2】 論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng誌に受理されました.Mee-Hae Kim. et al., Analysis of Locality of Early-Stage Maturation in Confluent State of Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells.


2012.1】 「第 24 回バイオエンジニアリング講演会」において,紀ノ岡正博先生が「細胞・組織に対する培養技術の動向」を基調講演されました.


2011.12】 「2nd International Conference Stem Cell Biomanufacturing」において,紀ノ岡正博先生が「Development of tissue factory for cell sheet manufacturing」を発表されました.


2011.12】 「第34回日本分子生物学会年会」において,紀ノ岡正博先生が,「Novel approach to assess the quality control of myoblast sheet toward clinical transplantation」を発表されました.


2011.11】 「インケム東京201の産学官マッチングフォーラム」において,紀ノ岡正博先生が,「ヒト組織シートにおける血管新生の評価と創薬スクリーニングへの展開」を発表されました.


2011.11】 「Italy in Japan 2011 Science, Technology and Innovation〜」において,紀ノ岡正博先生が「Manufacturing of cell sheet for clinical application (臨床利用を前提とした細胞シートの製造)」を発表されました.


2011.10】 「モノづくりの明日を考えるシンポジウム」において,紀ノ岡正博先生が「再生医療研究における道具(治具)開発の重要性」を発表されました.


2011.10】 「AIChE 2011 Annual Meeting」において,紀ノ岡正博先生が「Novel Method for Quality Control of Myoblast Sheet Toward Clinical Transplantation」を発表されました.


2011.10】 国際学会 (International Conference on Biofabrication 2011 TOYAMA, Japan, Oct 6-8, 2011) で発表しました.Kino-oka M., “Process and quality controls of myoblast sheet production”, o5-1, Oral presentation. Ogawa Y., Kim M-H and Kino-oka M., “Characteristics of cell aggregate through the regulation of cytoskeletal formation on dendrimer immobilized surface with D-glucose display”, o7-4, Oral presentation. Ohta S., Kino-oka M., “Kinetic modeling of basal layer stability during sheet formation”, p.15, Poster presentation. Kurisaka K., Kim J. and Kino-oka M., “Effect of derimer-immobilized surface with D-glucose display on population balance of myoblasts and fibroblasts in serial cultures” p.16, Poster presentation. Ariyasrijit Chananya, Kim M-H and Kino-oka M., “Cardiomyogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells by cytoskeletal alternations derived from the dendrimer-immobilized surface with D-glucose display” p.17, Poster presentation.


2011.10】 第63回日本生物工学会年会(H23.09)において,増田英里さん(ヒトiPS細胞のコロニー内における未分化細胞と分化細胞の挙動解析)が優秀学生発表賞(セルプロセッシング計測評価研究部会)に選ばれました.


2011.9】 論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng誌に受理されました.Kino-oka M. et al., Evaluation of vertical cell fluidity in a multilayered sheet of skeletal myoblasts.


2011.7】 日本動物細胞工学会2011年度大会(JAACT2011)において,長森英二先生(活性張力を指標とした骨格筋分化用無血清培地の最適化)が優秀演題賞に選ばれました.


2011.7】 日本乳酸菌学会2011年度大会において,植松亜弥さん(乳酸菌と種々の炭水化物の相互作用の解析)が若手優秀発表賞に選ばれました.


2011.6】 論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng誌に受理されました.Mee-Hae Kim et al., Characterization of Spatial Cell Distribution in Multilayer Sheet of Human Keratinocytes through a Stereoscopic Cell Imaging System.


2011.6】 国際学会で発表しました.Kim M-H and Kino-oka M., “Maintenance of human iPS cells on dendrimer surface with D-glucose-displaying”, International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) 9th Annual Meeting, p. 172, Toronto, Canada, Jun 15, 2011, Poster presentation.


2011.6】 論文がJ. Biosci. Bioeng誌に受理されました.Masrina Mohd Nadzi et al., Comprehension of Terminal Differentiation and Dedifferentiation of Chondrocytes during Passage Cultures.


2011.3】 第10回日本再生医療学会総会(H23.3)において,金美海先生(グルコース提示型デンドリマー面を用いたヒトiPS細胞の未分化維持培養)がベストポスター賞に選ばれました.


2010.10】 第62回日本生物工学会年会(H22.10)において,小川祐樹君(ヒト間葉系幹細胞の集塊形成過程の違いによる分化現象)が優秀学生発表賞(セルプロセッシング計測評価研究部会)に選ばれました.